Belgium Booth – Steamed Mussels – Epcot International Food & Wine Festival 2012

Steamed Mussels in Hoegaarden Beer Broth

Steamed Mussels in Hoegaarden Beer Broth with Baguette

We both like mussels. The critical question is “are these mussels good?” – yes, they’re good. Are they great, nope. The broth was watery and didn’t really add anything, the creamy broth from previous years added more texture and flavor (and a lot of calories).

on the well-done side, but not overcooked

The baguette wasn’t a baguette at all. It was more like a piece of hot dog bun (kind of like the bread used for the zapiekanki at the Poland marketplace), it was untoasted and added absolutely nothing to the dish.

Additionally, the service at this booth ranked in the two worst at this year’s Epcot Food & Wine Festival – frankly, Belgium and New Zealand tied for who had the least attentive and most uninvolved cast members “serving” the food. You may remember that typically, there’s one cast member who is outside the booth (obviously not a chef or cooking student), they take your receipt and call out what you’ve ordered. At both of these booths, the person doing this was more interested in having fun than in doing their jobs. We’re not anti-fun, if you’re in costume and working at WDW then you’re on stage and you should act as such. Otherwise, go get a job somewhere else.

more mussels

On our scale of 1-10 (1=never ever again and 10=gotta have this 2 or 3 more times) – nora gave it a 5 and nick gave it a 5, average score 5/10. Perhaps the mussel offering will be better next year…

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